
February 5, 2014

Contradictory Texts on Vimeo

Today I registered an account on and wanted to create a channel for collecting a videos about software testing. And Vimeo said to me, that I have not created a channel yet, but I can't create one, because I have already created 1:

Turned out that I can't create channel because my e-mail wasn't confirmed. After confirmation I see this picture:

And after creating a channel I see this picture:

So, actually the first block is about my current channels and the second block is about my future channels. In the situation when I can't have present channel and can't have future channel both messages are in conflict with each other.

And they have same message about groups too:

And here is first video in my channel: agile developer Anton Keks is talking about professional testing on Nordic Testing Days 2013:

Anton Keks Nordic Testing Days 2013 Keynote: "Being A Professional Software Tester" from Nordic Testing Days on Vimeo.

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